Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi all, New year is coming...oops! I means Chinese New Year.I have searched for CNY lyrics, teaching my son new year songs and also let him do some CNY craft with "ang pow". I make a big "tenglung" and will share some pictures to share with all of you how to do it...but before that lets sing the song happily

新年了!我教儿子唱新年歌。两首新年歌,但是他只会一半一半。最喜欢“财神到”的锣鼓声。这是财神到的歌词和新年歌的歌词, 大家一起唱吧!

Update: 2/19/2008我的努力没有白费,楷儿在新年期间, 就凭这两首歌赢了长辈们的心。做妈妈的当然脸上添光啦。哈有点虚荣心,要收敛,要收敛。